SEGA Related

Elysian Shadows New Dreamcast Title

Woop! Here it is another hit for the Sega Dramcast, well possible hit ,that is now up and running on Kick stater , and Steam green light .

What is this Elysian Shadows ??  its another  indie 2D RPG being developed across all platforms Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, Ouya and also the Sega Dreamcast, Which has specialy sparked my interest being the sega fan boy that i am .  The features a morpth  of 16-bit classical RPGs such as Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Final Fantasy, with a highly stylized, modern vision that has been stated using  using  dynamic lighting, physics, and audio engines along with swapping between 2D and 3D perspectives.

For further information on this release and support info go hit their their dedicated page

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