History of Naughty Dog (Retrospective)
It all kicked of back in 1984 when Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin Founded and independent american game company called Jam Software . They had a big change with employment and re-branded them self with name naughty dog in 1989. In 1991 they made their First Game together titled Ring of power and released for the SEGA mega Drive. Unlike the role playing games that were making it big like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest .
Rings of Power
Ring of Power Shared the same game play style as a popular PC Role playing games at the time which introduces this style of game play to dedicated console players.
According to the Naughty dog web page this was intended and designed for the PC but then was later moved over to the Mega drive because that’s where all those moneys were happening.
One cool fact about this game . If the player would input a certain code with a controller in the second port of the console ,you will find the logo will change to a naked laddie , yes thats right you can feast your eyes on some pixalated boobies. I had to find a censored version in case any younger audience were here . This cheat is very unique and bazaar even at today times.
Ps . I knew there logo reminded me of a brand from the nineties.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Mark Cerny who is a key role with naughty dog was deeply involved in the all time classic Sonic the hedgehog 2.
This convinced Naughty Dog to Focus on creating a character based platform .Which was the begining of what with know as Crash bandicoot
Way of the Warrior
The next game they worked on was a low budget fighting game . This game was released on the ill fated Panasonic 3do , The game reminds me of the Popular Morkat kombat series . But due to the console faliure , the game didnt do as well as prehaps it could’ve.
Crash Bandicoot
1996 gave birth to this aussi bandi making us all glued to the screen on a continuous hunt for the power crystals .Naughty dog put together this timeless character on a 3d platformer powered by the the original PlayStation making a big hit and a certain mascot for the unit..
The series then spawned into a multiple series including a multiple player hit karting game which was a sure competitor to the raining champs of that genre, Mario kart.
Jak and Daxter
Released as one of the earliest titles on the ps2 back in 2001 . The game is regarded as a defining franchise for the console. The series is based as a plat-forming , action and puzzle solveing ,adventure game
The engine of this game was created from the ground up which was very different for Naughty dog at the time. the series received a critical acclaim from critics calling it ” The best action plat-former of that generation “.
Through the generations of gaming Naughty Dog has delivered franchise after franchise ,Bringing us gamers one of top entertaining gaming experience a player could ask .