7 Creations that you can do to your Busted Nintendo hardware
Ever needed to know what you can do with your busted Nintendo hardware . Don’t Throw it in the bin. With a bit of handy DIY skills it can still go to good use .Thanks to these guys here my top 7 creations list of what you can do to your Nintendo Hardware.
Tablet charging docking bay . Original sours from twitter user nulltask
Snes Headphones original source hackedgadgets.com posted up by lyberty5
Snes Headphones and N64 controller Ipod docking bay . Original Sourse matome.naver.jp user komugi1994さん
Game boy Cartridge Usb Dongle Original Source http://matome.naver.jp/ user komugi1994さん
Snes Cartridge USB HUB Created by Matt Burns , Original source http://www.wiinoob.com/snes-cartridge-usb/