Unholy Knight a New Snes game Coming 2017

- First new SNES 2D Fighting Game in decades
- Developed by ex-SNK staffers
- 4 Game Modes: Story, Versus, Survival, and Practice
- 32MB Memory
- Support 1 – 2 Players
Unholy Night is a brand new 2D one-on-one fighting game for the Super Nintendo that was officially announced to us in late 2016. The game caused quite a stir once it was revealed, not only because of the format on which it was running, but also because of the credentials of the team behind it.
The game is actually made by team of members from SNK that brought us the fighting series ,The King Of fighters .With the funding goal of $52,500, and production target of 1500 cartridges . Only $23,072 was reached but they have manage to still get around to releasing the title. How many copies that are available is unknown to me. The one thing i’m sure of is that the game is only coming in NTSC both USA and JAP version are planed. Which is kinda sucky for us UK Gamers . But a universal adaptor should hopefully get rid of that problem .
Official trailer
NTSC USA Pre ordered Versions
For who ever made the $70 pledge, would receive a GOLD (not real gold) plated cartridge which also comes with the original brand new box art and instruction manual.
For who ever made the $70 pledge, would receive a GOLD (not real gold) plated cartridge which also comes with the original brand new box art and instruction manual.
This item will be released on June 19, 2017
you can also reserve your copy her at Amazon
view their kick starter page here for more info.