Zelda: Link’s Awakening is getting a remake 2019

With the announcements from Nintendo direct yesterday. The one that cought my attention the most was this . Nintendo are bringing the 1993 Game Boy classic ( also Game boy Colour release ) adventure The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening to Nintendo Switch later this year. The re-release is more than just a virtual console-style release, it’s a complete 3D “re imagining” of the classic Zelda adventure.

The original release of the game is the fourth instalment in The Legend of Zelda series. Five years later in 1998 The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX was released for the Game Boy Colour featuring colour graphics, compatibility with the Game Boy Printer, and an exclusive colour-based dungeon.
This title was one of the few Legend of Zelda games to be set outside the land of Hyrule. The game also has ties to the Mario universe.

After viewing the trailer it looks like it will retain the top-down classic style with the occasionally side-scrolling view of the original, the Switch remake will use 3D models which resembles a lot like the PlayStation 4 remake of Secret of Mana and incorporate what looks like Pop! Vinyl stlye aesthetic. Check out the trailer below for for the restyled version of an 8-bit classic.